Corrective Exercise Specialist and Performance Enhancement Specialist with a range of organizations from amateur to professional. He is an Independent Contractor for several NBA players and other professional athletes, providing movement assessments and targeted neuromuscular manual therapy and corrective/performance exercise programs and serves as a consulting practitioner for the Dallas Mavericks. Additionally, Adam is Adjunct Faculty for George Mason University in the Exercise, Fitness and Health Promotion Department and the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences. He is also a consultant for the newly formed Sports Therapy Academic Program at Ono Academic College in Tel Aviv, Israel. Prior to moving to Texas, Dr. Annaccone spent three seasons with the NBA Phoenix Suns organization on their highly regarded sports medicine staff, serving as Performance & Recovery Specialist/ Assistant Athletic Trainer. As a distinguished presenter, Adam has provided over 60 presentations, both nationally and internationally. In 2013, he was recognized by the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) with the NATA Young Professionals’ Committee National Distinction Award. Adam has been an active member of the profession of athletic training, serving on various local, regional and national athletic training committees; most recently serving as the District Representative for Texas and Arkansas for the NATA Government Affairs Committee. He received his Doctoral degree from Indiana University of PA in 2017, a Master’s degree from Clarion University in 2006 and completed his Bachelor of Science degree in Athletic Training at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, PA."> Corrective Exercise Specialist and Performance Enhancement Specialist with a range of organizations from amateur to professional. He is an Independent Contractor for several NBA players and other professional athletes, providing movement assessments and targeted neuromuscular manual therapy and corrective/performance exercise programs and serves as a consulting practitioner for the Dallas Mavericks. Additionally, Adam is Adjunct Faculty for George Mason University in the Exercise, Fitness and Health Promotion Department and the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences. He is also a consultant for the newly formed Sports Therapy Academic Program at Ono Academic College in Tel Aviv, Israel. Prior to moving to Texas, Dr. Annaccone spent three seasons with the NBA Phoenix Suns organization on their highly regarded sports medicine staff, serving as Performance & Recovery Specialist/ Assistant Athletic Trainer. As a distinguished presenter, Adam has provided over 60 presentations, both nationally and internationally. In 2013, he was recognized by the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) with the NATA Young Professionals’ Committee National Distinction Award. Adam has been an active member of the profession of athletic training, serving on various local, regional and national athletic training committees; most recently serving as the District Representative for Texas and Arkansas for the NATA Government Affairs Committee. He received his Doctoral degree from Indiana University of PA in 2017, a Master’s degree from Clarion University in 2006 and completed his Bachelor of Science degree in Athletic Training at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, PA."> Corrective Exercise Specialist and Performance Enhancement Specialist with a range of organizations from amateur to professional. He is an Independent Contractor for several NBA players and other professional athletes, providing movement assessments and targeted neuromuscular manual therapy and corrective/performance exercise programs and serves as a consulting practitioner for the Dallas Mavericks. Additionally, Adam is Adjunct Faculty for George Mason University in the Exercise, Fitness and Health Promotion Department and the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences. He is also a consultant for the newly formed Sports Therapy Academic Program at Ono Academic College in Tel Aviv, Israel. Prior to moving to Texas, Dr. Annaccone spent three seasons with the NBA Phoenix Suns organization on their highly regarded sports medicine staff, serving as Performance & Recovery Specialist/ Assistant Athletic Trainer. As a distinguished presenter, Adam has provided over 60 presentations, both nationally and internationally. In 2013, he was recognized by the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) with the NATA Young Professionals’ Committee National Distinction Award. Adam has been an active member of the profession of athletic training, serving on various local, regional and national athletic training committees; most recently serving as the District Representative for Texas and Arkansas for the NATA Government Affairs Committee. He received his Doctoral degree from Indiana University of PA in 2017, a Master’s degree from Clarion University in 2006 and completed his Bachelor of Science degree in Athletic Training at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, PA.">

Adam Annaccone

Adam Annaccone
Le Dr Adam Annaccone est le directeur de programme pour les sciences du sport à l’Institut pour la santé des enfants Andrews à Plano, au Texas, chargé de développer des services, des programmes et des protocoles utilisant les dernières technologies pour les déparnts d’orthopédie, de rééducation et de performance. Dans ce rôle, le Dr Annaccone collabore avec une équipe de professionnels, y compris des chirurgiens orthopédistes, des physiothérapeutes, des entraîneurs sportifs, des entraîneurs de performance, des neuropsychologues et des administrateurs, pour améliorer la pratique clinique et les résultats. Pendant de 15 ans, Adam a travaillé en tant qu'entraîneur sportif certifié et licencié par le conseil, un Spécialiste des exercices correctifs et Spécialiste de l'amélioration des performances with a range of organizations from amateur to professional. He is an Independent Contractor for several NBA players and other professional athletes, providing movement assessments and targeted neuromuscular manual therapy and corrective/performance exercise programs and serves as a consulting practitioner for the Dallas Mavericks. Additionally, Adam is Adjunct Faculty for George Mason University in the Exercise, Fitness and Health Promotion Department and the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences. He is also a consultant for the newly formed Sports Therapy Academic Program at Ono Academic College in Tel Aviv, Israel. Prior to moving to Texas, Dr. Annaccone spent three seasons with the NBA Phoenix Suns organization on their highly regarded sports medicine staff, serving as Performance & Recovery Specialist/ Assistant Athletic Trainer. As a distinguished presenter, Adam has provided over 60 presentations, both nationally and internationally. In 2013, he was recognized by the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) with the NATA Young Professionals’ Committee National Distinction Award. Adam has been an active member of the profession of athletic training, serving on various local, regional and national athletic training committees; most recently serving as the District Representative for Texas and Arkansas for the NATA Government Affairs Committee. He received his Doctoral degree from Indiana University of PA in 2017, a Master’s degree from Clarion University in 2006 and completed his Bachelor of Science degree in Athletic Training at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, PA.

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